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Britton Bros. Big Brick Store's Complete 1915 Inventory

Writer's picture: Rick EpsteinRick Epstein

APPENDIX C of "Rick's Frenchtown Encyclopedia"


You can learn a lot by plowing through the microfilm containing the issues of old Frenchtown newspapers and reading not just the news items, but the advertisements, too. But the ads are usually very specific -- 100 derby hats on sale at O.R. Kugler's store -- and don't tell you the other stuff they sell. So imagine my delight at finding the headline "Things That You Will Find At Britton Bros.'" on page one of the Dec. 29, 1915, issue of the Frenchtown Star.

Britton Bros. Big Brick Store is shown in the accompanying photo taken last week at 10 Bridge Street. It's currently known as the Gem Building. (Sarge Russell renamed the structure around 1980 after the Gem Theatre that used to operate in the back wing in the 1930s.) Next time you are time-traveling, you'll want to stop by if you need:

A – Accordions, Account Books, Alarm Clocks, Air Rifles, Albums, Aluminum Ware, Auto Robes.

B – Baby Cabs, Paper Balls, Toy Banks, Baskets (cut glass, glass), Men's Bath Robes, Bay Rum, Gold Beads, Bed Spreads, Bells, Berry Bowls (glass, cut glass, semi-porcelain), Berry Dishes and Sets (china, glass), Bibles, Bibs, Bill Books, Biscuit Pans, Bisque Figures, Bit Snaps, Bits (auger), Blank Books, Blankets (bed, horse), Toy Blocks, Toy Boats, Blouses (boys', women's), Bracelets, Box Papers, BonBon Dishes (china, cut glass), Books (toy book), Blocks, Book Straps, Xmas Booklets, Bowls (china, crockery, cut glass, glass), Braces (auger), Braids (elastic, trimming, hair), Bridles, Broilers, Brooches, Brooms, Brushes (cloth, counter, hair & nail, horse, scrub, shaving, shoe, stove, tooth, varnish, whitewash), Buttons, Buggy Aprons, Tin Buckets, Butcher Knives, Bunting, Butter Dishes (china, cut glass, glass), Butter Ladles.

C – Cake Cutters (tin), Cake Pans, Cake Turners, Cake Plate Sets (cut glass), Candles (fancy, plain), Candle Holders, Caps (men's, boys', women's), Cards (xmas, playing, post), Carpet Beaters (wire), Carpets (grass), Carts (hand, toy), Carving Sets, Case Openers, Cash Books, Cash Boxes (japaned), Cattle Cards, Cedar Chests, Celery Holders, Celery Trays (china, cut glass, glass), Chairs, Chair Seats, Cereal Jars (china, glass), Chains (dog, gold, etc., key, etc.) Chalk (carpenters', school), Chamber Pails (crockery, enameled), Chamber Sets (crockery), Chamois Skins, China, Cut Glass, Chemises, Checkers, Chinaware (special, artists'), Chocolate Sets (china, jap), Chopping Bowls, Christmas Cards and Ornaments, Clocks, Cloth Brushes, Clothes Lines (wire), Clothing (special, boys', children's, girls', infants', men's, oiled, work, waterproof, women's), Coal Hods, Coats (children's, hunters', infants', men's, women's, work), Coat Hangers, Coffee Pots (enameled, tin), Collars (dog, horse, men's, women's), Collar Buttons (bone, gold, etc.), Horse Collar Pads, Collar Supporters, Collar & Cuff Boxes, Cologne, Combs (fancy, toilet, French ivory), Comb Cases, Comb and Brush Cases, Comb and Brush Sets (fancy, French ivory), Comforts, Composition Books, Cork Screws, Corn Poppers, Corsets and Clasps, Covers, Laces, Waists, Crepe Paper, Counter Baskets and Brushes, Cracker Jars (china, cut glass, glass, jap china), Crochet Cotton and Silk and Needles, Cruets and Sets (cut glass and glass), Crumb Trays (lacquered, nickel-plated), Cuffs (men's), Cuff Buttons, Links and Pins, Cups and Saucers, & Plate Sets, Hair Curlers, Curry Combs, Curtains (lace, etc.), Cuspidors in Variety, Cut Glass, Cutlery.

D – Damasks, Darners, Darning Cotton, Dictionaries, Darning Needles, Diaper Cloth, Diapers (rubber), Dice, Dining Sets (glass), Dinner Buckets, Dinner Sets (china, semi-porcelain, toy, glass), Dippers (enameled, glass, tin), Dish Drainers, Dish Cloths, Dish Pans (enameled, tin), Dominoes, Dog Chains, etc., Doilies (linen, paper), Doll Cabs, Doll Houses, Dolls (special, rubber), Doll Sundries, Domes (lamp), Rubber Door Mats, Dresser Sets, Drainers (tin, wire), Dresses (children's, women's), Dress Pins, Drip Pans (aluminum, sheet iron), Drills, Drums, Dusters (feather, etc.), Dust Cloths, Dust Pans (japanned), Dusting Caps

E – Ear Muffs, Ear Rings, Ear Screws, Easels, Egg Beaters, Egg Carriers, Egg Cups (glass, china), Egg Timers, Elastic Webs, Embossed Tinware, Embroideries, Embroidery Cotton, Envelopes, Enamels, Erasers (rubber), Eye Glasses, etc.

F – Farm & Garden Tool, Wood Faucets, Filters, Faucet Strainers, Ferns, Festooning, Flags, Fern Dishes (brass, cut glass, jap china), Footwear, Files (letter, etc., nail, office, paper, spindle, tool), File Handles, Finger Cots, Fire Extinguishers, Firearms, etc., Fireless Cookers, Fire Shovels, Fish Gloves, Crockery Fish Sets, Flash Lights, Flat Irons (toy), Coffee Flasks, Flat Iron Holders, Flatware, Flowering Bulbs, Artificial Flowers, Flue Stops, Leather Fobs, Food Choppers, Furs, Foot Tubs, Toy Foot Balls, Fountain Pens, French Ivory Goods, Fruit Baskets, Fruit Jars, Fruit Bowls (china, cut glass, glass, semi-porcelain), Fruit Jar Caps, Fry Pans (aluminum, steel), Funnels, Furnaces, Furniture, Furniture Polish

G – Gall Cure, Games & Sets, Garden Sets, Garters, Garbage Cans, Gasoline Cans, Gauntlets, Glue, Gimlets, Girdle Support, Glass Cutters, Glassware, Glaziers' Points, Glove Boxes, Gloves, Goblets, Go-Cart Robes, Go-Carts, Grape Juice Set, Graters, Grease Guns, Guns, Griddles, Grinders

H – Hair Barrettes & Brushes, Hair Goods, Hair Nets, Pins and Receivers, Hall Runners, Hall Trees, Halters, Hammer Handles, Hammers, Hampers, Leather & Mesh Hand Bags, Hand Carts & Cars, Hand Mirrors, Hand Traps, Handkerchiefs & Boxes, Harmonicas, Harness, Harness Dressers, Harness Hooks, Hatchets, Harness Snaps, Hasps, Hats, Hat Pin Holders, Hat Pins, Hat Racks, Heel Plates, Hinges, High Chairs, Hitching Rings, Holiday Assts, Holly Boxes, Razor Hones, Hoods, Hooks, Hooks & Eyes, Horns, Horse Goods, Hose, Hunters' Clothing, Hymnals

I – Ice Bags, Ice Tubs & Boxes, Infants' Goods, Ink Pads & Stands, Inks, Insect Killers, Insertions, Insoles

J – Jackets, Jack Knives, Jacks, Japanese China, Japanese Goods, Jap Fancy Goods, Jars, Japanese Toys, Jardinieres, Jelly Molds, Jelly Tumblers, Jerseys, Jewelry & Boxes, Jugs, Jews' Harps

K – Kalsomine & Brushes, Kettles, Keys, Kimonas, Key Chains, etc., Kitchen Knives, Kitchen Sets, Kid Gloves, Knitting Cotton, Silk, Knitting Needles, Knives & Forks

L – Laces, Ladles, Lamps and Sundries, Latches, Lanterns and Globes, Lap Robes, Laundry Bags, Lemonade Sets, Extractors, Shakers, Squeezers, Letter Files, Letter Head Paper, Linen Goods, Lunch Cloths, Baskets, Sets

M – Magic Lanterns and Slides, Magnets, Mail Boxes, Manicure Sets, Manure Forks, Marbles, Masks, Marking Brushes and Gauges, Massage Cream, Match Holders, Mats, Matting, Mattresses, Mattocks, Mattress Protectors, Mayonnaise Bowls, Measures, Measuring Spoon, Meat Boards, Meat Choppers, Medical Batteries, Memo Books, Medicine Cabinets, Military Brushes, Mirrors, Milk Cans, Pails, Skimmers and Strainers, Mittens, Moccasins, Mop Holders, etc., Mouse Traps, Moving Picture Machines, etc., Mucilage, Muffin Pans, Mufflers, Musical Goods, Muslin Underwear, Mustard Pots, Dog Muzzles.

N – Nails, Nail Brushes, Clippers, Files, Pullers, Sets, Napkins, Napkin Rings, Neck Ties, Neck Chains, Necklaces, Neck Wear, Needles, Nest Eggs, Nickel Plated Ware, Night Gowns, Night Lamps, Night Shirts, Note Books, Notions, Nursing Bottles, Nut Bowls, Nutmeg Graters

O – Oatmeal Bowls, Oil Bottles, Oiled Clothing, Oil Cans, Oilers, Olive Dishes, Olive Oil, Overalls, Tree Ornaments, Overcoats, Oyster Pails

P – Pacifiers, Padlocks Pails, Paint Brushes, Paints, Paint Boxes and Books, Pajamas, Pancake Turners, Pants, Paper, Parasols, Parcel Carriers, Paring Knives, Pastry Boards, Pencils, Pencil Boxes, Holders and Sharpeners, Pennants, Pens and Pen Holders, Perfumes, Peroxide, Petticoats, Photo Frames, Toy Pianos, Picks, Pickle Dish and Jars, Pictures, Piece Goods, Pie Plates, Pillows, Pillow Tops, Cords and Cases, Pincers, Pins, Pin Cushions, Tickets and Trays, Pipes, Pitchers, Plates, Playing Cards, Play Suits, Pokers, Polish Mops, etc., Post Cards and Post Card Racks and Albums, Potato Mashers, Pot Chains and Covers, Punches, Poultry Remedies, Prayer Books, Purses, Preserve Kettles, Pudding Pans, Putty

Q – Quilts

R – Raincoats, Rattles, Rat Traps, Razors, etc., Receipt Books, Reins, Repair Irons, Rifles, Revolvers, Ribbons, Rings, Rinsing Pans, Rivets and Riveters, Roasting Pans, Robes, Rolling Pins, Rubber Bands, Coats and Heels, Rubber Goods, Rubber Toys, Rug Borders, Rugs, Rulers, Rules

S – Saddlery Hardware, Saddle Pads, etc., Toy Safes, Sad Iron Mats or Holders, Safety Pins, Safety Razors, Salad Dishes, Sale Checks, Sales Books, Salts and Peppers, Sand Pails, Satchels, Sauce Dishes and Sets, Pans, Scarfs, Scarf Pins, School Supplies, Scissors, Scoops, Scrap Books, Scratch Pads, Screw Drivers, Scrub Brushes, Sewing Machines, Needles and Belts, Shaving Outfits, Window Shades, Shawls, Shears, Shelf Brackets, Papers, Shirts, Studs, Shoe Findings, Shoe Blacking, Shoes, Shovels, Shot Guns, Sieves, Sifters, Silks, Silverware, Sink Cleaners, Drainers, Skimmers, Skirts, Skirt Hangers, Slates, Sleds, Soaps, Smoking Sets and Stands, Snap Fasteners, Soap Dishes and Boxes, Soda Tumblers, Spigots, Sole Leather, Spectacles, Spoons, Sponges, Spoon Trays, Sporting Goods, Stationery, Steak Pounders, Stick Pins, Stove Polish, Straps, Strops, Sugar and Cream Sets, Suit Cases, Sugar Bowls, Suspenders, Suspensories, Sweater Coats, Switches, Syrup Pitchers

T – Table Cloth, Sets, Covers, Mats, Tables, sets, Tablets, Tacks, Tape, Tea Kettles, Tea Pots, Tea Pot Stands, Tea Sets, Teddy Bears, Toys, Thimbles, Thread, Toasters, Tobacco Jars, Tobaccos, Toilet Cases, Papers, Sets, Tool Boxes, Tooth Brushes, Holders, Tooth Picks, Holders, Towelings, trays, Towels, Racks, Bars, Rollers, Tracing Wheels, Toy Trains, Traveling Bags, Trinket Boxes, Trousers, Trumpets, Trunks, Tumblers, Twine Holders, Twines

U – Umbrellas, Underskirts, Underwear

V – Varnish Brushes, Varnish, Vases, Vest Chains, Vinegar Bottles

W – Wagons (toy), Waists, Wallets, Washers, Wash Cloths, Basins and Boards, Waste Baskets, Watches, Watch Chains, Fobs, Water Sets, Waterproof Coats, Webs, Wheelbarrows, Whips, Whisk Brooms and Holders, Wicks, Whiskey Sets, White Goods, Wine Sets, Woodenware, Work Boxes, Baskets, Wrenches, Wrapping Paper, Writing Papers and Tablets

Y – Yard Sticks, Yarns, Yellow Ware

I know you didn't read all the way through. But isn't it nice to know you could have?

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Rick Epstein
Rick Epstein
Jun 25, 2020

They would've been crazy not to!


Bill Brokaw
Bill Brokaw
Jun 25, 2020

Cool. Did they sell stuff online, too?


Rick Epstein
Rick Epstein
Jun 25, 2020

Carole, I don't know. I'm just a Big Picture guy. I'll leave the details to you.


Carole Soule
Jun 25, 2020

So exactly how does time travel work? Can I come back to the future with my stuff or do I have to stay in 1915?


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