Christian – Built in 1846 at what is now 15-17 Kingwood Avenue, the Christian Church had a wooden spire that gave the building a height of 50 feet, although it is only 14 feet tall at its eaves.
By 1912 the church was disused, according to a Sanborn map. In 1915 machinist and radio dealer Alton Cooley bought it to remodel it into a bungalow for himself and his bride, Carrie. That's probably when the front porch was added. The use of rusticated cement blocks point to that era.
The photo of the creek bridge below shows the intact church in the background. Note: Although the bridge has been replaced, a sample of the crisscross ironwork (seen on the right) remains on the far side of the bridge.
From "Rick's Frenchtown Encyclopedia"

Thank you Rick. Interesting as ever..