You know that out-of-place monument in Frenchtown that stands beside the hiking/biking trail? The one that was deliberately put there by Jeff Scott to intrigue passersby? The one shown in this photo?
Well the Kuglers, an Alexandria Township farm couple, have been found, resting comfortably (one hopes) in the middle of Frenchtown Cemetery under a more modest monument. It has the same names and the same birth and death years, but omits the day and month of their personal arrivals and departures. There it is below.
So the question remains: Why was their big monument found lying in pieces behind the old tombstone-works barn across from the cemetery?
Was it like ordering a big sheet cake from ShopRite and deciding you wanted a small one after the decorator had already written "Happy Birthday, Tommy!" on it? I don't know, and the Kuglers aren't talking.
From "Rick's Frenchtown Encyclopedia"